
fine tuning the heart

There are few things in this world that make me happier then my garden, and my dogs.
It's been a sort of cold-rainy week, and it has been nice while getting work done indoors, to get out during the bursts of sunshine (before they giveaway to more rain) to pick some of the flowers. With the fear of frost tonight I ran out and picked loads of tulips, grape hyacinth , mountain laurel, and azalea. I love picking out the little vases, mason jars and whatever I have and loading up each room with the scent of spring. Something about this weather makes even the dogs want to nap.

all images were shot with my iPhone using instagram


  1. Your photographs are amazing! And your dogs are adorable ;) xo

  2. what lovely pictures. I am so happy to have come across your adorable blog- I can't wait to see more. xo

    1. thank you so much. and thanks for stoping by!

  3. LOVE the flowers :) loving the simple beauty of your blog as well!

    1. Thank you so much. I love flowers (a lot) You will see loads of them on my blog. xo
