
where the wild things are

The rain has not stopped all day, somewhat fitting. Yesterday I had a chance to garden, and cut some fresh flowers for the house; Anise, lilac, and some lingering daffodil. The dogs also, enjoyed the brief, if not beautiful bout of sunshine yesterday.

This morning I was saddened to learn of the passing of Maurice Sendak, a legend, a bit of my childhood died today as well. He will forever have impacted so many generations--- I learned my alphabet by singing it: "T", throwing tantrums! Read and re-read Where The Wild Things are more times then I can count while teaching pre-school, I knew every word to every song in Really Rosie, and The Nutshell Library. ..."Please don't go,we'll eat you up we love you so"- but like Max, he had to go. Hopefully there was dinner waiting for him, and it was still hot. 

*Thank you, little sister, for reminding me of that best line-- along with the last sentence of Charlotte's Webb, my two favorites. 


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