
have a lovely weekend

I want to share some BIG NEWS. My new website and custom blog is almost done! I am really excited about it. I have been on blogger since 2009, but in the last year I realized I really wanted a custom site & blog all in one, that you can view on your iPad/iPhone, desktop & lap top. With the change in technology being a constant, I was really looking to have a beautiful, easy to navigate all in one site, thats current with todays web users. I know I am constantly looking at things on the go and wanted you to be able to do the same!  "Like" and keep up with me on Facebook, where I will have all the up to date information!

Have a lovely weekend! Here is a quick roundup of whats been on my radar this week.

I am down-right smitten with the new Sarah Seven line for bridal 2014. Right? //  Whats more perfect than apple cider doughnuts for fall? // Together at last David Sedaris and Lena Dunham. // The pros and cons of curly hair. // And finally, a tribute in light  returns for the 9/11 memorial.

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