
simplicity: rosemary bread

When we were young, my mother never bought bread, not once that I can recall. She made it for us once or twice a week.
It was in our sandwiches in paper bag lunches, along with carrot sticks, raisins, and a can of Mott's apple juice. I am now (as an adult) amazed that not only did my mother work full time and raise four daughters, she baked us fresh bread weekly. I loved when it was fresh out of the oven and I could just pull off a piece, as my mother would shoo us away and say we had to wait for it to cool. Then as a tween I was embarrassed of it. All I wanted were the Wonder bread peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my friends had in their lunch boxes. I would love to eat as simply as my mother raised us, but I jsut feel like I get lazy. I think the juicing last week did give me a kick in moving back towards that. A few years ago I read one of Michael Pollen's books, and one thing that stuck with me was if you want it badly enough, make it. So I made bread (because I was craving it). I added some mashed avocado and some farm fresh hardboiled eggs to make it a lunch. Once you have had farm fresh eggs, you will never eat a grocery store egg again. It was the most delicious and simple lunch. For a simple rosemary bread recipe you can try this one. Martha Stewart also has a good recipe here

1 comment:

  1. I loved the M.S recipe, it has always worked well for me. I love Rosemary bread, beautiful picture too!
